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How To Harness The Power of Intention in The New Year

It’s that time of year again where we get excited for the festive period, only to punish ourselves after the big event about how much we’ve indulged. If this rings true for you, you’ll also know that come 1st January everyone will be making resolutions to make significant changes for the new year. Although setting goals for the coming year is a great way to spark transformation in your life, time and time again, people fail because they lack the fundamentals of intention.

Intentions, Mind It Ltd, Wellbeing workshops, wellbeing webinars, wellbeing training, wellbeing consultancy, Leeds, England

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the generic ‘I’m going to lose weight’ or ‘I’m joining the gym’ resolutions and then come February they’ve all gone out the window. In most cases, this isn’t from a will of not wanting to do well or stick to it; it’s more a case of unrealistic targets.

So if you’re looking to make resolutions for the coming year, or want to make lifestyle changes to improve your outlook. Take a look at some ways you can harness the power of intention to make them work in the long term.

Look at the ‘why’

Before you set any goals for 2020, you have to explore the reasons why you’re setting them. There’s no point just focusing on the end goal and hoping it will make life easier if you haven’t looked at the root problem. Sometimes this isn’t an easy step to take either. Resolutions can often gloss over underlying issues and in some cases, you may need to chat to a professional to help unearth the root cause. Exploring the options of therapy from a leading counselor can help you find the ‘why’ and channel this into lifechanging goals.

Get specific

When people set resolutions, they are often too wishy-washy. When your goal is to lose weight, there’s no end in sight which causes people to fail quickly. Looking deeper into the specifics can help hone in on realistic timescales too. You could set a goal to lose weight, but if you make it specific such as ‘I want to lose X pounds by X date’ you have an end goal. Once you reach that you can set another and so on. Looking at resolutions as a one-time thing also doesn’t help the success rate. Life changes should be ever-evolving and suited to your lifestyle because simply put; they are set to change your life, not just a few months of it.

Make changes for yourself

We can often get swept up in what everyone else is doing. Whether that’s a new fad diet, latest exercise craze or the pressure from others to try something. However, if it’s not for you, don’t do it! This is easier said than done, and the pressures from social media also don’t help the situation. To truly make changes to your lifestyle or outlook, this has to come from you. No one should influence your feelings about how you tackle daily life, and if you feel uncomfortable, you’re more likely to give up quickly.

The power of intention and positive thinking can help you make resolutions for the new year. However, this time of the year is also about reflection. So don’t put pressure on yourself to follow the crowd. Focus on what you’ll accomplish rather than dwelling on the past.


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